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The Paniolo Festival 2024

Sept. 21, 2024          Waimea, Hawaii


72nd Annual
Waimea's Paniolo Parade

Saturday Sept. 21, 2024

In 1908, a Waimea parade was conducted in honor of the Hawaiian cowboys who took the top awards at the world-famous Cheyenne Rodeo in Wyoming. This was the beginning of Waimea’s paniolo parade relationship celebrating their very own cowboys. There were a few Paniolo parades that took place in 1920s and 1930s celebrating the art of pa’u riding while hosting rodeo events and concluding in a holoku ball held at Po'okanaka, Mana. Local paniolo established their own ranches in the 1940s with assistance from major ranches like Parker Ranch, while the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) also granted pastoral lots of up to 300 acres for ranching purposes. This led to an increase in kanaka (people of native Hawaiian descent) returning to Waimea to pursue ranching. This expansion not only grew the paniolo community but also established a regular paniolo parade in 1952, led by the Waimea Hawaiian Homesteaders.

In the 1960’s the Waimea Civic Club led the parade and finally the Aloha Festivals in the 70’s. Interviews with many well-known Waimea elders revealed that they remembered participating in the paniolo parade during their secondary school days in the early 1950s. The Paniolo Parade has always been an integral part of the community, being held annually. In the 70’s and 80’s it concluded with a rodeo benefit hosted by Parker Ranch at the Paniolo Park (Parker Ranch Arena) and an evening steak fry honoring the cowboys hosted by the Waimea Hawaiian Homesteaders and Civic Club. The entire community was involved in this tradition.

In 2018, the Paniolo Parade, organized by Aloha Festivals/Hawaii Island Festivals, took its final ride and was unable to restart after the COVID-19 pandemic. However, six years later, the Waimea Hawaiian Homesteaders Association, the original organizers of the 1952 Paniolo Parade, decided to revive the event under their owned trade name Aloha Festivals Island of Hawaii. This historic 72nd Annual Paniolo Parade will return on September 21, 2024, themed "Na Paniolo Ho’ohanohano - Grand are the cowboys!” using the original theme from 1952 parade.

This exciting and fresh parade will be returning to its origins. The parade will have a new route, starting at Waimea Park, heading into town, turning right onto Pukalani St., then right onto Alaohia St., and concluding at the Kalani Schutte Waimea District Park in a Hoʻolauleʻa.

The parade will honor Na Hulu Kupuna - Waimea’s Living Treasures, feature the “Paniolo Memorial Ride”- highlight past paniolo of our community, showcase the traditional Royal Court, the majestic pa’u riders portraying our beloved ali’i, and other mounted units. It will include marching units, floral floats, dignitaries, and more. This will be followed by an all-day festival at the Kalani Schutte Waimea District Park. Everyone is invited, and the parade is free for all!

By purchasing a $10 Aloha Festival Medallion, you will be able to access and enjoy the beef cook-off (separate entry fee, medallion require). At the park there will be Hawaiian entertainment, food, food trucks, drinks, crafts, arts, paniolo fair games, equestrian performances, and more. All proceeds will help cover expenses for this all-volunteer-runed event. The Paniolo Festival committee voted that we move the Rodeo to next year and focus on reviving the 72 annual paniolo parade this year. And, so it is!

We were hoping that Parker Ranch could have joined us in the efforts to honor our small rural ranching community like they used to because our rural community deserves to be celebrated and shown appreciation, but it seems that they didnʻt feel the same way. So we are asking that the rest of the greater community get involved and help our community revive this 72 year old tradition!


BUs Route Paniolo Festival.jpg

Announcer Booth Stations

Stay a breast with the many unit entries in the Paniolo Parade!
Get close to an announcer booth station

Announcer Booths FINAL.jpg
Paniolo Parade Route
Nā Paniolo Hoʻohanohano.jpg

Best In Beef
Paniolo Cook-Off Contest

Saturday Sept. 21, 2024

Register here to be a contestant!
Beef will be provided

Best in Stew ~ Best in Chili ~ Best in Pipikaula ~ Best in Secret Paniolo Delicacies

Best In BEEF - Beef Cook-Off Contest
Best In BEEF - Beef Cook-Off Contest
Sep 21, 2024, 1:00 PM HST
Kalani Schutte Waimea District Park

Want to try the contestant’s beef entries? Best in Stew, Chili, Pipikaula, and the Secret Paniolo Delicacies categories! Be a judge, vote for your favorite! Buy a ticket here

Aloha Festivals Island Of Hawaii Rodeo

The Paniolo Festival Committee have concluded that  the revival of  Paniolo Parade is the main focus and should be this year! So, we moved the rodeo to next year to make it bigger and bettter!

Honokaʻa Arena Grounds

RODEO FLYER- Nā Paniolo Hoʻohanohano.jpg

Re-scheduled to next year!



Thanks for submitting!

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